Signed in as:
Signed in as:
NAME: The name of this organization shall be the Crystal Coast Women’s Club (CCWC). It is a non-profit organization.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this club shall be to provide opportunities for the promotion of fellowship among its members and to acquaint them with the area.
MEMBERSHIP: Any woman is eligible to join the CCWC. If membership dues are not paid during September of the current year, a late fee will be added through December 31. Unpaid memberships will be ended on January 1. When a member reaches the age of 90, she will become an honorary lifetime member and will be exempt from paying dues.
A member in good standing must serve as a hostess at one club meeting each year. Each hostess will provide food requested by the Head Hostess for that month’s meeting. If the assigned hostess is unable to be present, she may exchange months with another member or provide $35 to the head hostess for food expenses. If any member refuses to participate in this manner, SHE WILL IMMEDIATELY BE DROPPED FROM THE MEMBERSHIP AND LOSE ALL RIGHTS TO ANY INTEREST GROUP PROVIDED BY THE CLUB.
GUESTS: Members are entitled to bring a guest to club activities. These include monthly lunches, interest group meetings, and social outings. Guests may attend two activities per year. If continued participation is desired, annual dues must be paid.
MEETINGS: The club year shall run from September 1 to August 31. An anniversary luncheon will be held in September, the original anniversary of this club. Regular meetings will be held on the third Thursday of each month. At the request of the board, an alternate date may be chosen, or the number of meetings may be changed or eliminated providing such a change has been presented to the membership.
FINANCES: Non-refundable annual dues shall be payable in September. The dues amount will be set by the board with approval of the general membership. New members joining after April 1 shall pay 50% of the current annual dues.
Before submission of the Treasurer’s books for August year-end review, a minimum of $1500 must be set aside in the general/operating account as a ‘roll-over’ fund for the next year. This figure may be augmented by a board decision.
OFFICERS: The officers of the club shall be President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, and Treasurer.
The officers of the club shall be elected by a majority vote of those members present at a general meeting for a term of one year (with a maximum of two consecutive terms), with the exception of the Treasurer who shall serve a term of two years (with a maximum of three consecutive terms).
Elections: A nominating committee of three members shall be appointed by the President at the March meeting each year. No current officer can serve on this committee. A chairperson will be the first mentioned.
The nominating committee shall present a proposed slate of officers to the membership for consideration at the May meeting. Further nominations can be made from the floor at this time with the consent of the nominee.
The nominating committee shall advise the President of members willing to become standing committee chairpersons.
Last minute nominations and elections will take place during the June meeting. Officers shall be elected by printed ballot to include any floor nominations. A copy of this ballot shall be kept in the Secretary’s records.
If a vacancy occurs in an elective office other than President, the office shall be filled by the President’s appointment from the membership at large to serve the unexpired term.
EXECUTIVE BOARD: The executive board shall consist of elected officers including the immediate Past President and Chairpersons of all standing committees. These committees include Charitable Planning, Historian, Hospitality, Membership, Newsletter, Parliamentarian, Publicity, Social, and Yearbook.
Board meetings shall be held monthly at a time and place designated by the President and all board members must attend unless they are excused. The President will call special board meetings as deemed necessary.
In August, the President will call a joint board meeting of all outgoing and incoming officers and committee chairpersons to observe the change-over. A formal installation will be performed in September at the anniversary luncheon.
The executive board shall have authority to conduct any club business between meetings. A quorum of the board shall consist of two-thirds of the board members. Any club member who has a concern and wishes to put it before the board must present it in writing to the President. The issue will be considered at the next board meeting.
PRESIDENT: Shall preside over all meetings of the membership and board. She shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except the nominating committee and shall be informed of all committee meetings. She shall appoint all chairpersons and the Parliamentarian.
She will prepare a summary of club events for the current year to become a permanent record in the club history.
FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT: Shall be the Program Chairperson. In the absence or disability of the President, she shall assume all duties of the President. If a vacancy occurs in the office of President, she shall assume all duties of the President for the unexpired term.
SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT: Shall advise all interest groups and work with the chair of each group to ensure that participation is limited to club members and guests in good standing. Shall assist with the formation of new groups.
RECORDING SECRETARY: Shall keep all records of the club and executive board. She shall sign all minutes and have charge of all files and reports. The Secretary shall keep all records for five years.
CORRESPONDING SECRETARY: Shall be responsible for sending appropriate cards and messages to ill and bereaved members. She shall conduct other correspondence of the club at the direction of the President.
TREASURER: Shall receive monies from all sources. She shall pay all bills authorized by the executive board or the membership-at-large. At monthly board meetings, she shall give a full report of receipts, expenditures, and balances. These will be available to the membership upon request.
In August, with the Treasurer present, there shall be an audit of the Treasurer’s books with two members selected by the President. She shall present next year’s budget at the September board meeting for approval.
All checks require one of two signatures: either the President or the Treasurer. All records such as Treasurer reports, bank statements, and receipts shall be kept by the Treasurer for seven years.
CHARITABLE PLANNING: This committee will be comprised of a Chair and two/three club members that shall provide oversight of the club’s fundraising and charitable donation efforts. It will work with the First Vice-President to determine the monthly local charity.
Shall ensure that someone is responsible to conduct the monthly 50/50 raffle. Shall be responsible for making table tents, place money boxes, and collect and tabulate the funds, which will be given to the Treasurer at meeting’s end.
Shall research and present suggestions for the annual charity donation. Each charity must be a 501(c3) and local to the Crystal Coast. These charities will have an advocate from the club discuss their choice of charity with the membership at a monthly meeting, beginning in January. The list will be presented to the board in June for approval and voted on at the July general meeting.
Shall work with the board to determine the club’s annual large fund-raising activity to be held in August of each year.
HISTORIAN: Shall keep a scrapbook of all publicity and photos of club activities. She shall receive a summary of club events from the President each year, which will become part of the club scrapbook.
HOSPITALITY: Shall oversee purchasing of supplies for monthly luncheons, advise the head hostess and be responsible for rules of care at the meeting facilities. She will appoint two head hostesses and select a team of hostesses from the membership to furnish refreshments for each month’s meeting.
MEMBERSHIP: Shall collect dues, keep membership records, and prepare name tags for all members, visitors, or guests. She shall notify the newsletter in writing of new members or changes in membership and put together a team to greet prospective members.
NEWSLETTER: Shall gather material, edit, type, print, or email a monthly newsletter to all members. Included will be monthly interest group activities and special notices.
PARLIAMENTARIAN: Shall be responsible for assuring that Robert’s Rules of Order and the Club Bylaws are followed at all times. She shall provide all ballots needed and oversee voting and tallying. Provides job descriptions to newly elected officers at during September installation.
PUBLICITY: Shall be responsible for putting notices and/or photos of club activities in area establishments and on social media each month.
SOCIAL: Shall identify and share monthly activities available around the Crystal Coast and provides a conduit for members to organize small group activities of interest. Some of these events may include guests and/or partners.
YEARBOOK: Shall be responsible for preparing an annual membership yearbook to be given to each current member in good standing at the December meeting. She shall coordinate with membership, interest groups and hospitality to complete this endeavor.
AUTHORITY: The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the Crystal Coast Women’s Club in all cases where they are applicable and consistent with the Bylaws. Bylaws may be amended at any general meeting by a quorum vote, i.e., two thirds vote of members present. Notice of ratified amendments shall be given at the next monthly meeting.
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